Chem 110 Fall 2021

HW #1

Anna Haight               Association of Air Pollution Exposure in Childhood and Adolescence With Psychopathology at the Transition to Adulthood


Kyu Kim                     Association between Air Pollution and Suicide in South Korea: A Nationwide Study


Derek Lang                 Analyzing the relationship between air pollution and various types of crime


Sarah Schalkoff          Air Pollution and Urban Air Quality Management in Indonesia


Avery Solsbak            Minimizing air pollution exposure: A practical policy to protect vulnerable older adults from death and disability

HW #2

Betsy Blair                  Disparities in Distribution of Particulate Matter Emission Sources by Race and Poverty Status


Sarah Houle                Urban Air Pollution and Lung Cancer in Stockholm


Xipeng Ke                   COVID-19-Induced Lockdowns Indicate the Short-Term Control Effect of Air Pollutant Emission in 174 Cities in China


Kyu Kim                     Masking the Destructive Force of a Dying Climate: Reflections on the Portrayal of 'Environment' in Hollywood in the 2010s using The Lorax, Interstellar, and Avengers: Infinity War


 Jesus Lopez                Prefrontal white matter pathology in air pollution exposed Mexico City young urbanites and their potential impact on neurovascular unit dysfunction and the development of Alzheimer's disease

HW #3

Sana Mouayd Azem   The Rise of Renewable Energy in the MENA Region: An Investigation into the Policies Governing Energy Resources


Jordann Carter            Measuring the impacts of wind energy projects on U.S. rural counties’ community services and cost of living

Brady Lang                 Coal resources, reserves and peak coal production in the United States

Owen Scott                 Economic and environmental impacts of providing renewable energy for electric vehicle charging – A choice experiment study

Ally Zambri                100% renewable energy system in Japan: Smoothening and ancillary services


Katie Baker                 Biomarkers in zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) for the assessment and monitoring of water quality of the St Lawrence River (Canada)


Sarah Houle                The Impact of the Flint Water Crisis on Fertility

Kyu Kim                     Long-term Environmental Impact of Oil Spills


Hannah Lee                 Industrial water pollution, water environment treatment, and health risks in China


Jesus Lopez                 How Nutrient Trading Could Help Restore the Chesapeake Bay